High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is any workout that toggles between a burst of intense activity and a short period of recovery, where you briefly relax and rest, allowing your body to get ready for the next blitz. By alternating between a soaring and a resting heartrate, then repeating the regime several times over, your system learns to recover faster.

For example, imagine 1 minute of very fast running followed by 2 minutes of walking – then doing it again and again for, say 15 minutes. Believe it or not, with a workout routine even that simple, you're burning fat. And it's a system that readily adapts to other types of exercise.

Our High Intensity Interval Training sessions focus on quality weight-training repetitions. With our eagle-eyed professionals looking after you and ensuring absolute safety, you work your muscles as hard as you can, then relax, then repeat the exercise. You'll build a healthier heart, burn off fat and empower your metabolism – all through one of the simplest types of exercise imaginable.