Welcome to your

Fitness Services

We are dedicated to providing you with fun, effective and scientifically proven ways to improve your health, change your shape and make you feel great about yourself.

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MyWellness Fitness Programme

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Member & Guest Events

Body Composition Analysis

Nutrition & Dietary Support

Personal Training

'Learn to..' Clinics

The concept behind our fitness services is to be S.M.A.R.T

We break your membership into 6 week segments called ‘member journeys’. Each one is an exercise programme tailored to suit you.
The benefit of this is it’s not too long that you lose motivation, but it’s long enough to show you results.
Your first programme will be built around the information you have supplied us with when you joined.
We offer a variety of incentives, cash back opportunities and the chance to bring your friends and family to the club because we are aware you will feel more comfortable exercising with someone you know.
What makes us different is that unlike other gyms we get results and we have a proven track record of helping our members achieve their goals.